Woman and man cycling on a gravel road

Stick to your cycling goals this summer

January 11, 2024

As we enter the second week of 2024, those goals you set for yourself on the first day of the year may have taken the back seat. With work starting again, family commitments and everything else that happens daily, it’s easy to lose track of goals. However, this year is going to be different. We can feel it. If you’ve been dying to do the half Ironman on the Sunshine Coast, or maybe it’s the Convict 100 or if you simply want to get back to your fittest self again. Whatever your goals are, we’re here to help you stick to them.

Join a club

Plenty of cycling and multisport clubs across Australia offer group rides, club events and other activities for their club members to participate in. Having a set schedule and training routine will help you be more consistent. Knowing you’ve got a group ride on Tuesday at 5:30 to ride the Prospect Loop Cycleway route before work enables you to build training into your week. It’s also a great way to meet new people and make friends, especially if you’re new to the area.

Phone a friend

Accountability is a great way to stay committed and to stick to the goal that you’ve set for yourself. Get a friend to join you on your journey to peak fitness; not only will this keep you motivated, but knowing someone is waiting for you when you don’t feel like waking up before sunrise makes quitting harder. Maybe your challenge is to try something new, like tackling your first triathlon. There’s nothing better than doing it with a friend. Experiencing all the trials and tribulations together, sharing war stories. It makes it all worth it.

Get a coach

If you’re unsure of where to start when it comes to getting your cycling fitness back on track or how to tackle a specific event goal, a coach is a great place to start. Having a structured training program and someone dictating your workouts in advance is much easier than deciding what to do daily. You know what to prepare yourself for and can have your program tailored to suit your schedule. Various programs are available; you could purchase a more generic program from TrainingPeaks. These aren’t tailored to you personally. They’re typically based on beginner, intermediate and advanced levels and the time you have to train in a week. These are perfect for those with training experience or just looking to build fitness quietly.  

Another option is to hire a personal coach. Do your research about coaches and ask your community for advice. Look for someone with cycling and coaching experience. This means that they’ll have a better understanding of the sport. Since cycling is such a specific sport, try to avoid hiring an AFL coach to train you for cycling. By having your coach, your training schedule will be specific to you. Your coach may get you to complete some baseline tests to get an idea of your fitness levels before kicking off. Try the guys from Kilowatt Cycling Coaching based in Melbourne if you’re looking for a data-driven, holistic program tailored to your lifestyle. Natalie and Kevin from Powerhouse Coaching are other fantastic coaches with years of experience ready to help you reach your goals.

Enter a race

Throw yourself in the deep end this year by signing up for a race you’ve always wanted to participate in. Go ahead, take the plunge, enter the Cape to Cape or the Dirty Detour Monkerai. Set the goal in stone. You’re spoilt with choice regarding fun, exciting or challenging events across the country all year round. If you haven’t chosen a race goal yet, look at AusCycling’s jam-packed calendar.  

Document your journey

When the going gets tough, pause and reflect on how far you’ve come. There are going to be bad days, trust us. When they appear, remembering the goal and where you started makes it easier to keep going. Whether you document your journey through a physical journal that you write in each day or maybe you blog about it, personally or publicly. Platforms like Strava allow you to see your weekly totals, compare your efforts and track your fitness. They offer great reminders as to where you started. There are various ways to track your progress towards a goal, so choose a way that works best for you.

Whatever your cycling goals are for the year ahead, you’ve got this. Go out and smash those goals and make 2024 your year.  

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